Health Risks

Why Do You Need Environmental Testing in Your Office?

Environmental Testing

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 30% of commercial buildings have poor indoor air quality, making them uncomfortable for employees and at risk of mould infestation. An organization must ensure that the office is a safe working environment, and the best way to do that is via environmental testing.

Environmental testing is an arduous process that needs to be carried out by professionals to check for any toxic presence within the building, check for hazards and legal compliance before employees start working there. Here is why you should consider environmental testing for your office.

To Determine Any Kinds of Hazards

First and foremost, the most crucial reason why you need environmental testing is to check for hazards. The testing contractor checks for hazards like the presence of lead in the paint that can cause health issues, mould or asbestos infestation, and water damage to the structure of the building. They also check for electrical hazards in the system.

Some offices may have had biohazard contamination in the past, and they may not have used the right methods to decontaminate the structure. Environmental testing also checks for such hazards and helps you make sure the office is free of biohazardous contaminations. 

To Minimise Loss and Reduce Liability

Any kind of hazard present in the building can disrupt the operations of the office, leading to losses, and if it is severe, your office can fail the Canadian OHS standards that can lead to liabilities. By checking for the risks and hazards mentioned above, you get to ensure the office structure is a safe working environment for the employees and meets all the required safety standards set forth by the government.

To Enhance Employee Comfort

Safety is not all. Your employees must also be comfortable as they will be spending many hours of the week within the building. Lack of comfort can also lead to disrupted operations and a lack of productivity. And a significant factor that determines comfort is the air quality that can be affected by asbestos or mould infestation. By checking for any mould or asbestos infestation, you can maximize employee comfort while ensuring their health.

To Check for Compliance and Structural Safety

Environmental testing sometimes also involves testing the structure of the building and condition of the soil. Soil impaction can be bad for the building, especially if it was not built well. Thus, by carrying out environmental testing at the office, you can ensure the building’s structural integrity and see that it is not compromised. This also ensures that the building meets the compliance standards of the government.

Environmental testing for your office is a major part of the organization’s risk management strategy that reduces liability while ensuring your employees’ safety and comfort. Contact Nationwide Restorations for environmental resting in Edmonton if you are planning to set up an office there. We also provide environmental testing services in Calgary, Regina, Kelowna, and Chilliwack.

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