A property owner might face a number of issues. Certain issues can be quite disturbing and they require immediate attention. Water stains on ceiling is one such issue. It is quite annoying to look up to your ceiling and find ugly water stains on it. If you have a decorative ceiling, it will surely ruin all your decorations. Once you find water stains on ceiling, you also need to find out the reason behind it.
One of the major causes of water stains on ceiling is a leakage. The next difficult job is to find out the leakage. The stain can also be a sign of water damage building up in your house. After you point out the problem, you need to look for the solution. The solution can be done either through DIY methods or by hiring a professional water damage expert.
The 3 Major Causes of Water Stains on Ceiling
Now let us look at the various causes of water stains on ceiling.
- Is your property an old one? If yes, then the plumbing system might also have grown old. If the piping system is outdated then there are high chances of leakage. The water might drip through the pipe if the piping system is not up to the mark.
- As soon as you spot the water stains on the ceiling, it is important to check the damage from various angles. You should check the roof as well as well the floor which is just above the ceiling. The floorboards should also be checked. Check whether the water is running within the materials of the building. If this is the case, you will hear a sound of water through the walls and floors. This can happen due to a hidden leakage.
- The water stains on ceiling can happen due to roof problems. To find the problem in your roof, you need to climb up the ladders to reach the roof. But it becomes difficult during the winters to reach out to the roof. Water leakage through roof occurs in winter due to the build up of ice dams. In this case, you need to check the insulation of your house. Upgrading the insulation system can help you solve such problems. It is always better to hire a roof contractor to get the job done successfully.

You should never ignore water damage in your ceiling. If you leave the water stains on ceiling for a longer period of time, it will become more difficult for you to address the damage. The water damage will spread and the stain might become permanent. Long term water damage can also lead to mold growth in your house.
To remove the water stains on ceiling, you first need to get rid of the source. Unless you remove the source the stain will reappear. There are two ways of stain removal. You can either use DIY method or you can call a professional. There are certain stains that can be removed with the help of a stain killer. After removing the stain, you just need to put some paint on the area. If the damage is big, then you need to replace the affected part of the ceiling. This needs to be done with the help of a professional.
Water damage usually spreads through a large area of the ceiling when the property remains vacant for a longer period of time. In this case, you can hire a water damage remediation company. Always choose a company that will provide 24×7 services. The professionals use high power drying equipment. Finally, the professionals remove and restore the portion of the ceiling that has been stained. Read the reviews of a company carefully before you hire one.