Cleaning Services, Mold Damage, Restoration

Ways to Get Rid of Mold from Grout

Molds grow in moist or wet area. Among all the other places the most popular place where you can find the growth of a mold is in the tiles grout. You will find molds in the kitchen, bathroom, and basement as well as in the laundry room. Mold in grout requires immediate treatment because with time it can destroy all the furniture and essential items present in your home and at the same time cause severe health issues.

Mold in grout is common because the grouts are porous in nature and allows moisture to get inside it easily. Before you start thinking about removing the mold in grout, you should try to prevent the mold from getting through the grout. You can follow some simple steps for this.

  1. It is always appreciable if you wipe the shower floor as well as the shower walls once you finish bathing with a washcloth or hand towel.
  2. After you finish bathing hang the bath towels outside to let them dry because if they are left inside the bathroom it can add to the humidity of the pace.
  3. It is also your duty to switch on the exhaust fan for at least 20 minutes once you finish bathing to remove the excess moisture present in the bathroom.
  4. The shower liners or curtains you use must be easy to clean and also do not forget to wipe the excess water in the curtains once you finish bathing.
  5. The tiles in the kitchen as well as the bathroom should be cleaned at regular intervals to prevent mold in grout. You should not help the mold create a breeding ground for them by keeping the tiles unclean.
  6. You can always use grout sealer to minimize the penetration of water through the grout. Mold in grout can be prevented by applying a coat of the silicon based sealer.
  7. Do not leave leaky showerheads or faucets in your kitchen or bathroom.
  8. The most important step to stop the growth of mold in grout is keeping your rooms ventilated. The doors and windows of the kitchen, bathroom as well as the laundry room should be kept open for a longer period of time to allow proper air flow into the rooms.

These methods might help you prevent mold in grout to a certain level but you might still feel the need of certain methods to get rid of mold in grout. There are various methods through which you can clean the mold in grout.

Removing Mold in Grout with Salt

Yes, you heard it right. Salt is an element which can help you remove mold in grout You just need to take a damp cloth and rub the area that is affected and then you just need to sprinkle some salt on it and scrub the area. Let the salt stay overnight and in the morning just clean the area with clear water.

Removing Mold in Grout with Bleach

Bleach is one of the most common cleaning agents used to remove mold in grout. There are usually two ways you can utilize the chlorine bleach for removal of mold.

  1. Take a toothbrush which has a stiff bristle and scrub the bleach on the grout affected by mold. Keep the bleach for at least 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse the place with mild hot water.
  2. The other method is mixing one portion of bleach with four portions of water and taking it in a spray bottle to spray on the affected area. The area needs to be scrubbed with an old toothbrush and finally cleaned with cold water.

Baking soda and vinegar are two other agents of cleaning mold in grout.

If none works, then you can always try Hydrogen Peroxide which a superb cleaning agent. You need to create a paste with hydrogen peroxide and flour and apply it on the affected area overnight and finally clean it with cold water.

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