Water pipes bursting is quite common during the winters but that does not mean it cannot happen during summer. During winter the water tends to freeze inside the pipe and expands the pipe which leads to the burst.
But if your water pipe bursting has taken place during summer then you need to keep a check on the pipes of your home. A pipe burst can be devastation for your home. It can lead to flooding which in turn will destroy your belongings some of which may be expensive. Other than this, indoor flooding can also be the cause of a number of heath issues. So, it is very important to take proper measures to prevent water pipes bursting.
How to Identify Worn out Pipes
Pipes that become weak or are worn out can be the biggest threat for water pipes bursting. The pipes that get worn out are unable to sustain the pressure of water and burst. Here are certain signs that will help you find out whether there is a worn out pipe present in your property.
- Check out the color of water coming out of the faucets of your home. If you find the water is discolored then it is time to change your pipes. If the pipe is rusty then you will get either brown or yellowish water through the faucet. To prevent any kind of leak in near future you should replace the rusty pipes with new pipes as soon as you can.
- You can also find a leak on your pipes by observing the surroundings of the pipe. Leaking pipe means that there is a strong possibility of stain on the pipe-walls. Once you notice the stains it is a good idea to call a professional who can find the position of the leak and repair the leak as soon as possible to prevent water pipes bursting.
- Are you worried about the water pressure getting lower day by day? If yes, then there are high chances of mineral build up in your water pipe. In this case too you will need a professional to inspect the pipe and replace it before it leaks and causes damage.

Major Causes of Water Pipes Bursting
Now you need to learn about the potential causes that can lead to water pipes bursting in summer.
- Do you stay in an area where the water contains minerals like calcium and magnesium? These minerals make the water hard and hence make it harmful for the pipes. The calcium and magnesium usually leaves traces within the pipe and there is build up which lowers the pressure of water. The water pipes usually go through corrosion because of these minerals and finally the pipes burst and the water flows out with force.
- Rust is a major cause of water pipes bursting. The water pipes usually rust after a certain point of time. The time varies according to the material with which the pipe is made. If it’s an iron pipe then the rust will appear sooner than plastic pipes. When there is too much rust in the pipes it becomes prone to bursting. Water pipes bursting are a common phenomenon if they are not checked for rust within a certain span of time.
- The other major cause of water pipes bursting can be a bad installation of the pipes. It is important to check the connection of the pipes very minutely while they are installed. Sometimes the plumbers tend to fit or solder the connection of the pipes poorly. You should always go for professional help if you find any loose connection of your pipes to prevent water pipes bursting damage in your home.