Biohazard, Health Risks, Mold Damage

The Basic Difference between Mold and Mildew

A home is a place where one expects to stay safe and sound. But at times the environment of your home can become harmful if you do not take proper care. You might not be aware that different kinds of fungal growth can hamper the well being of your family. The two most popular fungal growths that can be found inside you home mildew and mold.

While you might think that these are almost the same thing but there are certain differences between these fungi. If you leave these fungal growths unattended then it might take a toll on your property as well as your health. The treatment required to get rid of these fungi are different as some of their features differ. First of all, let us find out what is the basic difference between a mold and mildew.

Mildew falls under the category of mold while mold is a kind of fungus which contains a number of identical nuclei. It usually grows beneath the surface of any affected material because it can easily penetrate through the surface. On the other hand the mildew grows on the surface and hence it is easy to remove this fungus. Mildew can also be found on paper fabrics, damp surfaces and on other organic materials that are present in your house.

Now let us find out the different types of mold and mildew that can grow in a house.

Five common Molds

  • Aspergillus is a common mold found inside the house. It can be found on the walls, clothing as well as paper products and it might look green, grey, yellow, brown or even black or white. It can cause inflammation in the lungs as well as respiratory infections.
  • Penicillium can be found on those materials which are in contact with water. The colour of this mold is usually green or blue and it has a musty smell. This mold is responsible for allergic reactions.
  • Alternaria can be found around windows, on the walls under sinks as well as in various other damp places. This mold can be dark brown or grey or black. If your family members are exposed to this mold for a long time it can cause asthma attacks as well as allergic reactions in them.
  • Stachybotrys chartarum is sometimes called the black mold and is the most dangerous type of mold for any household. A toxic compound is produced by this mold called mycotoxins which causes problems like severe allergy, sinus infection, breathing problems, depression and fatigue. This mold grows inside the ducts of air conditioner and areas that are kept constantly damp.
  • Cladosporium is found in cooler areas like curtains, carpets, floorboards as well as wooden surfaces. The mold is olive green or black in colour and can cause respiratory problems.

Types of Mildew

  • Downy mildew can be found in food products such as potatoes and grapes. This fungus first appears through yellow spot and finally turns brown.
  • Powdery mildew usually affects the flowering plants. This mildew appears as grey or white spot that finally changes yellowish brown and even black.

It is very important for you to know the exact difference between the appearance of mold and mildew.

Molds are slimy or fuzzy in their appearances and they are shaped irregularly. The molds are found in different colors such as green, blue, grey, white, black and even brown. The surface through which the mold penetrates and grows usually starts rotting after a certain point of time.

Mildew on the other hand is fluffy or powdery. You can easily identify a mildew lying over a moist surface. With time the mildew turns brown or black in color.

Cleaning Mold and Mildew

Mildew cleaning is easier than cleaning molds. You can always use DIY methods for cleaning mildew while you need to contact a proper mold remediation organisation to get rid of molds. Mildew removal cleaners are easily available in the market but during the cleaning process make sure you wear a mask and rubber gloves.

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