Water Damage

Sewer Backup Cleaning Ideas

Your daily life can be disrupted through a sewer backup. Sewer backup cleaning ideas are something that you always need to keep handy because this problem can arise at any point of time. The cleanup in this case is quite troublesome and time consuming. Sewer backup does not only pose danger to your property but also poses similar danger to your health. Sewage backup cleanup can be done on your own if the spill on a smaller scale but in case the spill is big and your property has started flooding then you will require professional help.

DIY Methods for Sewer Backup Cleaning

To clean up sewage backup you can use certain DIY methods.

  • The first thing you should do is create a barrier between the affected room and the other clean rooms. So make sure the doors are closed so that the contaminated water does not flow into the other rooms. Closing the doors will also ensure that the contaminated air does not travel to the other rooms.
  • The items present in the affected room should be taken out and put in a place which can be sterilized easily later on. You can put it on tiled floors as they are easy to clean and sanitize.
  • Make sure you wear protective gears before you start with sewer backup cleaning ideas. You need rubber gloves, face mask, rubber boots and eye wear to minimize the risk of coming in contact with the contaminated water or items. A little contact can cause huge health impacts.
  • The sewage backup cleaning requires the contaminated water to be removed quickly. You can take the help of a pump or even dry vacuum equipment.
  • It is important to dump all the items that has come in contact with the contaminated water specially items like carpet or rugs. Other items like baseboards, flooring, wall paneling and insulation should be kept aside so that they can be disposed later.
  • Once the excess water is taken out of the room remember to open the doors and windows to allow sunlight and fresh air flow to bring down the level of humidity.
  • Molds tend to be the most common problem after a sewage backup. Therefore a sewer backup cleaning program should also include an inspection of mold growth on the surfaces that has been in contact with water.
  • It is better to discard any eatable item that has been in contact with the contaminated water.

The Need to Call for Professional Help

These DIY methods of sewer backup cleaning might not help if the damage caused includes a larger part of your property. At that point of time you will require professional help for sewer backup cleaning.

  • If you find that the sewage backup was caused at least 24 hours ago and you cannot get rid of the water after trying different ways.
  • You need professional help when the spill has not occurred in a single but more than that.
  • If the sewage water comes in contact with the air conditioning system of your home then DIY methods cannot help.
  • Septic tank backup is the worst nightmare of any property owner. A professional is required to get the cleanup done and fix the septic tank issue as well.

It is suggested that you perform proper repair work once the sewer backup cleaning is complete to prevent such situations in near future. Always remember that sewage backup can lead to various health hazards due to bacteria.

Different kinds of allergies and infections spread due to these bacteria. Ensure sanitizing the place and making it odor free. You can avail help from other professionals such as plumbers, septic specialists and sewer workers in the city. The city sewer department can help you if the problem gets worse.

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