Asbestos Abatement
Asbestos is a dangerous group of silicon metals found in rock and soil. It is stronger than steel, yet soft, a fire resistant material which doesn’t biodegrade, decompose, dissolve in water or evaporate. It has got so many exceptional traits that it was used in each and every building materials and construction components for the last many decades.
An ability to grow discretely
Asbestos has an ability to grow anywhere. It requires certified and extensively experienced team of Nationwide Restorations to locate and start the asbestos abatement projects at residential as well as commercial buildings.
Where can Asbestos be found?
Asbestos can hide secretly in the floor tiles, drywall, drywall compounds, stucco, concrete, insulation, roofing shingles, or attics. It can become very difficult to locate areas that are affected. This is where you need our help. Nationwide Restorations is made up of highly-skilled team members who can locate the traces of asbestos and remediate them easily.
Effect of Asbestos
The most dangerous and unfortunate news about Asbestos is that it does not affect or show immediate signs. Asbestos takes about 10 to 25 years after being exposed to result to fatal diseases such as Asbestosis, Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer, and many more. It is extremely important that you have immediate detection and abatement to avoid heath problems and for the longevity of those living or working on your property.
Can it be removed on our own?
Removal of asbestos on your own is very dangerous to your health and anyone in the area. The actual removal of asbestos is a high risk job and government guidelines dictate how asbestos has the be removed, stored, transported and disposed of in a very specific way.
Asbestos removal also requires government certification, specialized equipment, and 3rd party environmental hygienist.
For immediate response call 1 (844) 364-9433

The Process
Asbestos exposure should be safely removed from your home or business by following a detailed testing and removal process.
Some of the things that the specialists at Nationwide Restorations will follow include:
- Detailed assessment of the building
- Collecting samples
- Analyzing the fire at an accredited laboratory
- Following the complete abatement process
- Disposing off of the decontaminated chamber
We at Nationwide Restorations prepare your loss documents and deal with your Insurance company so that you receive your claims as soon as possible and are able to start with your restoration process at the earliest.