Water Damage, Water Leaks

How to Look for Bathroom Water Damage

A quick shower can help you refresh yourself from the day’s weariness. A bathroom is usually the place where we spend some private time refreshing ourselves. Unless it is kept in a good condition you will not get the feel good factor inside the bathroom. The bathroom should always be clean and should smell good. Proper maintenance of your bathroom is very important. There are certain things that you need to keep in mind.

Bathroom water damage can cause major destruction in your bathroom. You might have used colorful rugs or fancy curtains and tiles to make your bathroom look beautiful but minimal water damage can destroy everything. It is therefore, your duty to check for water leakage in your bathroom. Water damage is one of the major causes of mold growth. Once mold starts growing in your bathroom, it will destroy your shower tiles, floors as well as the walls. Bathroom water damage can also lead to a great monetary loss.

Signs that Tell about Bathroom Water Damage

Here are some signs that can help you find out bathroom water damage before it’s too late.

  • Have you noticed blisters on the wall or even crumbling plaster? If yes, then you can be sure it is the sign of a disaster. This can happen because of pipe leak behind the wall. The water is being absorbed by the drywall. Absorbing the water makes the wall soft and it starts swelling.
  • Do you get a musty or damp smell whenever you enter the bathroom? This kind of smell is common when there is moisture present behind the surface of the walls. It is also possible that molds have started growing behind the tiles or floors.
  • Have a close look at the bathroom floors. Do you find any stain or cracks on your bathroom floor? A crack or stain can be alarming as it means water is seeping through the floor beds due to some leakage. You need to find the source of moisture and then get it repaired to avoid further damage.
  • The stains on walls or floors and the musty smell can be an identification of mold growth. Molds tend to grow inside the walls and come to the outer surface when they start releasing spores. If the molds are visible, you must understand that it is high time to repair the bathroom water damage. After treating the water damage, make sure you get rid of the molds to avoid health issues.

Prevention is always better than cure. This phrase should be your motto. Therefore, it is always a better idea to prevent bathroom water damage rather than repairing it after the damage is done.

Preventing Bathroom Water Damage

Here are some tips that can help you prevent bathroom water damage.

  • The drainage system of the bathroom should not be clogged. Keep a close check on your plumbing system. It is a good idea to change old and rusty pipes. Whenever you notice a small leak, repair it immediately.
  • Exhaust fans play an important role in the bathroom. It helps to remove moisture from the bathroom. Make sure you always use quality fans.
  • A regular inspection of the various parts of the bathroom is necessary. Look for any kind of spot on the walls or shower tiles. Replace a cracked tile immediately to prevent water seepage. Make sure you tightly close the taps and faucets after use. If the water keeps on dripping, it can pass through the walls and the floors.

If you find molds in your bathroom, you can use DIY methods to get rid of them. This can be done in the initial stages. You will need professional help if the bathroom water damage has destroyed a large portion of your bathroom.

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