Mold Damage

How Do You Find Black Mold in Shower

We all enjoy relaxing more at our home than anywhere else. And when we are at home, there is nothing more relaxing than taking a good shower. A good shower can help us get rid of the whole day’s tiredness. A good shower can work like medicine for your body.

But when you find the shower area is not up to the mark you might lose interest in taking a good shower. One of the major problems you might come across is that of mold. Mold in shower is a common problem because of the moisture present in the bathroom. Molds usually grow in dark and humid places.

If you find mold growing on the walls then make sure you do not touch them and work on it to get it removed. Always remember that black mold in shower can be harmful to your health.

There are different types of mold among which black mold is the most dangerous one. It is responsible for a number of health hazards and it can even destroy your property. To remove black mold in shower you first need to keep the place clean and allow enough air flow. Once you finish your shower it is always suggested that you open the windows and switch on the exhaust fan to get rid of the excessive moisture in the shower.

Top Solutions to Prevent Mold in Shower

Here are some solutions to prevent mold in shower.

  • Allow at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted air flow to the shower stall to let the moisture dry completely.
  • Once you finish your shower always remember to carry the wet towels and clothes out of the shower stall. If you leave them unattended then it will only add to the humidity of the place and will become an easy breeding ground for the molds.
  • The curtains you choose for your windows or shower stall must be moisture resistant.
  • After every shower always remember to clean the shower area well. This will prevent the presence of moisture and hence will not be a perfect place for the mold.
  • Make sure you wash the shower curtain every now and then if it is made of cloth.
  • It is always suggested to take immediate action in case you find a leakage in your shower stall. Get the pipes and shower heads fixed as soon as you find a small leakage.

Dangers of Mold in Shower

To get rid of mold in shower it is advisable to ask for professional help. The professional mold remediation organizations carry the necessary equipments required to get rid of black mold in shower. Black mold in shower can pose serious threats to your health. Here are some common health hazards of black mold.

  • A major cause of lung infection is black mold. The spores that they leave in the air can get into your lungs while you breathe.
  • Respiratory issues are common if you come in contact with black mold because it directly affects your lungs.
  • Do you know you can even experience memory loss if you are in constant contact with the black mold?
  • Nausea and headaches are the two other common problems that a person has due to black mold in shower.
  • Problems like sneezing, runny nose, coughing and itchy eyes can persist for a longer period of time if you stay in contact with the black mold.
  • Other than this, asthma and skin irritation are two major symptoms of black mold present in your property.

If you have children at home then you surely need to be extra cautious about the black mold in shower. The infections can be deadly for the children.

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