Fire Damage, Health Risks, Insurance

How Do Electrical Fires Start?

Electricity is one of the most used forms of energy. We are incomplete without electricity. Electricity has brought a lot of change to our lives. Lights, appliances, computers and various other devices are run with the help of electricity. The electronic devices and appliances that people use these days are designed in a safe way.

But you never know when there is a risk of electrical fire. According to the fire administration department of the U.S, almost 45,000 electrical fires occur every year. The electrical fires are found to take place between 12 in the night to 6 AM in the morning. This actually makes the fire breakout more dangerous. The electrical fires result in huge property damage along with life risks.

There are lots of injuries and deaths due to electrical fires in the U.S. It is therefore important to find out, how do electrical fires start. Once you find out how electrical fires start, you can also find out ways to prevent it.

5 Most Common Causes of Electrical Fire

Here are some basic causes which can lead to electrical fire. This will give you a picture on, how do electrical fires start.

  • First, you need to check out for the outdated and faulty wiring. Electrical fires are majorly caused by faulty wiring. The wiring is usually done behind a wall and this is why it can be difficult to find out whether the wiring is faulty or not. If you live in an old house, then you should get your wires checked. If the house is 20 or more than 20 years old, then it is a good idea to replace the wiring with new ones. The old wiring system cannot take the excessive pressure of the new electronic devices and appliances. Led television, microwaves, gaming consoles and computers can overload the wires. The circuits usually trip the breaker if they get overloaded. But in case of faulty wire the circuits do not trip and hence it increases the chances of electrical fire.

Here are some signals of faulty wiring:

  1. A burning smell
  2. A regular outage and surge of power
  3. The circuit breaker gets overloaded consistently
  4. Shocks or sparks through outlets
  5. Too much heat generation from electronic appliances


  • The other answer to how do electrical fires start, is due to underground and old electrical outlets. If you have three pronged outlets in your house that means you have grounded outlets. The three prong outlets are safe because the third prong acts an outlet of electricity if there is a sudden surge. It is better to change the two pronged outlets to avoid electrical fires.
  • Do you know that the lamps and light fixtures that you use can become a reason for electrical fires? Sometimes these lights do not have proper wiring. It can also cause fire if you use bulbs with high wattage which is not supported by the wire. It is also advised to keep inflammable items like curtains away from the lamps.
  • Do you use extension cords in your home? Extension cords are known to overload the electrical circuit or outlet very easily. Therefore, extension cords should not be used as a permanent solution to plug multiple devices. Even if you use extension cord for the time being, make sure the cords do not come in touch with inflammable materials like carpets or rugs.
  • How do electrical fires start? A common cause of electrical fire is the use of space heaters. The heaters are used in winter to keep the room heated. But do you know these heaters can cause great electrical hazards? At least 6,000 people get injured due to the fire caused by these heaters in the U.S every year. Always buy a space heater with proper safety features.

It is always advisable to call for fire damage restoration experts in case of electrical fire.

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