Mold Damage

Facts about the Growth Rate of Mold

Molds have become a serious problem for people owning a property. Molds tend to grow in places with excessive humidity and moisture. You should be aware of any kind of water leaks in your home. It is advisable to take immediate action against any leaks to prevent molds from growing.

How Long does it Take for Mold to Grow?

But before that you need to find out how long does it take for mold to grow. In case of water damage in your property you can be rest assured that the mold will start growing real fast and will end up destroying your property along with your health. To find out how long does it take for mold to grow you need to check out certain facts.

The mold thrives on normal temperature and presence of certain level of humidity. The germination period of mold lasts for 24-48 hours. The colonization of the spores released by the molds start with 3 to 12 days and finally the molds gets visible within 18 to 21 days.

This is a tentative growth rate of the mold. The growth rate usually varies from mold to mold. The growth rate also varies according to the temperature conditions. If the molds get the perfect conditions to thrive then you can surely expect fast growth of molds.

Therefore, how long does it take for mold to grow might vary. It is suggested to start working on the eradication of molds when it is first visible so that it does not get enough time to spread throughout the property and makes it difficult for you to get rid of it.

A perfect answer to the question, how long does it take for mold to grow can be given as; a mold can spread in a few hours once it released its spores in a moist area which has pores. It will start affecting greater areas within a span of 5 to 6 hours.

Reasons of Mold Growth and its Prevention

Water damage is a common problem in any property. The challenge actually begins once the water damage is controlled. Here are the ways to stop molds from spreading after the damage.

  • First of all, you need to get rid of any excess water from your property. You can use pump to extract the excess water from the areas affected. You need to make sure the moisture does not spread to the walls or the furniture of your home. Once the moisture remains in your room there are high chances of molds growing. You should check for excess water in areas like the carpet, baseboards and the wall cavities.
  • Proper ventilation of your property is required to get rid of mold issues. After a flood or water damage you should not only remove the excess water but also make sure there is enough air flow in your home. Open the doors and windows and you can even use dryers for this purpose. To deal with severe mold issue, you must opt for professional help.

You need to identify the materials which are prone to mold growth. These materials are basically organic and they tend to attract moisture which makes a good breeding ground for the molds. Paint, drywall, paper products as well as insulation are some of the places where molds grow too fast.

The growth rate usually varies with the amount of moisture an organic material contains. You just need to be careful that the spores released by the mold do not get a chance to get deep enough to become too difficult to remove them.

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