
Everything You Must Know About Our Biohazard Cleanup Service

Biohazard Cleanup Service

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) classifies biohazard into four levels, with Biohazard Level 1 being a minimal threat to life and the environment, and Biohazard Level 4 being the most life-threatening. Despite having the highest standards of safety mechanisms, things can go wrong in a facility, causing a bio spill.

If your organization faces any level of bio spill, biohazard cleanup is required before it damages life or the environment. However, it must not be carried out using commercial cleaners, disinfectants, and specialty equipment. What you need to do is opt for Nationwide Restorations’ biohazard cleanup service.

What is Biohazard Cleanup Service?

Nationwide Restorations provides the best in class biohazard cleanup service. We control the spill, clean and disinfect the environment by removing the contaminants, and dispose of them at a licensed waste facility to restore the site to pre-spill conditions. We are certified and experienced in cleaning up and removing bio spills of all kinds, including bloodborne pathogens, biological contaminants, chemical spills, and much more.

The biohazard cleanup is carried out by certified, experienced professionals who use the best protective equipment and meet all the government and provincial standards for safety and cleanup. Here is what our process of cleanup looks like.

Step 1. Cleaning the Area

The first thing we do when we reach the site is to assess the situation, followed by a thorough cleanup. We are equipped to handle any form of bio-containment. We remove all the traces of bloodborne contamination, biological material, chemicals, and even contaminated equipment that may not be possible to clean.

Step 2. Disinfecting the Site

Once the area is clean, the disinfection process begins. We use high-quality disinfectants to decontaminate the area, depending on the contamination we are dealing with. Followed by that, we carry out another cycle of manual cleaning of the area, and any leftover contaminant or contaminated equipment is cleaned and packed up. Unique to us, we use adenosine triphosphate (ATP) fluorescence testing procedures to test the entire area to ensure decontamination and proper cleanup. Upon completion, we move to the next stage of restoration.

Step 3. Deodourizing and Restoration

Many bio spills leave behind nasty smells, and in this step, we try to get rid of that. We use specialized equipment to attempt to neutralize the odour and restore the area to pre-spill conditions.

Step 4. Disposal of the Contaminants

Lastly, every contaminant, contaminated equipment, and other harmful materials are disposed of carefully. This is a crucial step as the wrong disposal can lead to contamination of the dumping ground. We ship the dispose to licensed biohazard disposal facilities that know how to dispose of the materials safely.

Biohazard cleanup is an intimidating task, but it is essential. Never skimp on it by trying to carry out the cleanup yourself or hiring the wrong cleanup service provider. That can risk not only your facility but also your employees. Contact Nationwide Restorations to carry out facility biohazard cleanup in Regina.

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