Health Risks, Mold Damage

Essential Mold Facts to Know Molds Better

Mold usually becomes a big reason to worry when you own a property. Mold is not only harmful for your belongings but it is equally harmful for your health. Unless you know the mold facts you will not be able to prevent it as well as get rid of it.

The first and very important mold fact that you need to learn is that mold grows in humid climate. Mold can start growing within 48 hours of in a place which absorbs moisture very easily. The walls, ceilings floorboards and shower tiles are some of the most common places where you can find mold.

The Top 7 Mold Facts

Let us check out some essential mold facts that can help you eradicate them from your property.

  • 5 different types of mold can be found indoors. But do you know that there are more than 10,000 species of mold living in this world? The mold that grows inside your house usually belong the five common types such as:

Aspergillus – this mold is the commonest form of molds that grows inside your house. These molds have a tendency to grow on warm and humid climate. The colour of this mold varies from brown, green, grey, yellow black and white. This mold can cause respiratory infections among people.

Penicillium – this mold is green or blue in colour and is usually found on wallpaper or carpets.

Stachybotrys chartarum – this is the most dangerous mold which is also known as the black mold and is very common on the surfaces which are in contact with water for a longer period of time.

Cladosporium – this mold grows in cold conditions and cause asthma or fever. Its colour can be olive green or black.

Alternaria – this mold can be grey, dark brown or black and is usually found in places which have suffered from water damage.

  • One of the most important mold facts is that it can be a symbol of water damage. If you find mold in your home then you should look for some pipe leaks or roof leaks.
  • Molds usually require organic food and moisture to grow. Molds release spores which can enter your house through the winds or floods and even through the vents and air ducts. Mold facts can help you prepare your home in such a way that no breeding grounds are available for molds.
  • Molds can grow within a time span of 24 to 48 hours but it might remain hidden for a longer period of time. The molds tend to become visible when it has already started releasing spores and has damaged certain surfaces of your property.
  • Among all the other mold facts you must pay attention to the fact that mold can cause a lot of health problems. It can be the reason for respiratory problems, headaches, nausea, blurry and itchy eyes, asthma and much more. These health problems are generally caused by the black mold which releases mycotoxin, a very dangerous element.
  • Getting rid of mold might be a little difficult but there are certain DIY methods which can help in initial stages. But if the mold problem has gone to the roots then you will require professional help. It is always a good idea to try and prevent mold rather than wait for its growth to remove it.
  • One of the most surprising mold facts is that mold is useful in maintaining the ecological balance. It has an important role to play in decomposing organic materials and help it recycle to the environment.

Other Mold Facts

Other quick mold facts are:

  • Mold can destroy wood much more than termites and fire.
  • There is use of mold in biological warfare.
  • An estimated $73 billion is spent every year in the U.S to get rid of mold problems.
  • Do you know mold spores can have their source on Christmas trees?

These mold facts will surely give you a clear picture of molds.

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