Fire Damage

Can Smoke Damage Ruin Electronics?

Smoke Damage Ruin Electronics

We all know how destructive a small fire can be. It seems little, but it can spread rapidly and destroy everything in minutes. The smoke coming out of the fire is harmful to a human body to inhale, but the question popping in your mind is if smoke can damage electronics? No one expects that smoke can cause any harm to electronics, but it does cause damage to electronic devices. And you would be wondering again that how? Let’s clear the cloud of smoke around your head regarding the smoke damage.

What is in Smoke?

The smoke is irritant to the electronic devices. The smoke is made up of carbon, gases and other chemical fumes. The smoke is mostly made up of carbon and also contains other chemicals and fumes. These particles and fumes vary based on what is being burned. If the plastic is burned, it will produce smoke with dioxins in it, which is harmful to humans and the environment. When the wood burns, it produces nitrogen oxide, and the burning of material mixes other particles and becomes more harmful. One effective and common particle in every smoke is carbon monoxide. And the smoke also produces soot, which is the blacky powdery substance, is made of carbon and is highly acidic.

How Does Smoke Damage Electronics?

The smoke pollutes the environment, and it gradually covers the exterior of electronics, inhibiting the devices from releasing the heat. This makes the electronic device hotter, and the excessive temperature reduces the lifespan of the electronics. The soot produced by the smoke also coats easily on any nearby devices, and it slowly corrodes the metal. Carbon monoxide is harmful too for humans and devices, but it has less corrosive effects on the metal. Cigarette smoke damage also has the same effect on the electronic devices, the tar sticks on the devices and inhibits the discharge of heat, resulting in the breakdown of the device.

Other Issues Smoke Cause?

The smoke damages other things in your home, such as the upholstery, clothing, bedsheets, furniture, and it also has severe effects on humans’ health. The chemicals and particles in the smoke settle on the upholstery and the clothing. The particles soak into the materials and require deep cleaning to be removed. The furniture can be discoloured, stained or corroded due to the smoke.

Different types of fire need different kinds of assistance, so we provide an all-round service for fire and smoke damage. Our well-trained team at Nationwide Restoration provides a thorough process of restoration, and they have a step-by-step procedure to ensure proper restoration.

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