Biohazard, Health Risks, Mold Damage

Black Mold Symptoms in Toddlers

Each one of us wants to make this world a better place to live in for our children. But are our children safe even inside their home? Unless we keep our houses clean and free from any kind of fungus we cannot ensure better health conditions for our children. Black mold is one of the most dangerous elements that can cause different types of allergies, breathing problems and lots of other harm to your child. Black mold symptoms in toddlers depend on the severity of the exposure of the toddlers to the black molds. The toddlers usually do not have a developed immune system which makes them prone to serious complications due to molds.

Here is a list of some major black mold symptoms in toddlers.

Black mold symptoms in toddlers related to neurological problems is common. The black mold produces trichothecene mycotoxins which kills the neurons present in the brain which in due course impairs the function of the brain. The black mold symptoms in toddlers caused due to neurological problems are

  • Low span of attention
  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Numbness
  • Disorientation along with confusion
  • Loss of memory and other problems related to memory
  • Shaking and trembling

Black mold symptoms in toddlers also include respiratory issues.

The mold spores that grow inside the house are inhaled by the toddlers and the toddler starts experiencing respiratory troubles such as:

  • Running nose along with sneezing
  • Congestion in the nasal tract
  • Severe cough
  • Itchy nose
  • Soreness of throat
  • Difficulty in breathing along with wheezing
  • The toddler might also have symptoms like flu

The black mold symptoms in toddlers also include irritations in the skin as well as the eye. The skin of a toddler is delicate and hence the mycotoxins can easily enter their skin which causes itching, rashes and irritation. Other severe skin infections might also appear as black mold symptoms in toddlers.

Toddlers with Black Mold Symptoms

The eye cells can come in contact with the mycotoxins which might result in vision problems among toddlers. Other problems are:

  • Soreness and inflammation of the eyes
  • Watery and itchy eyes
  • Vision getting blurred
  • Bloodshot or red eyes

These are only few of the black mold symptoms in toddlers. There are lots of other dangers the mycotoxin can cause to your little one. Some other allergy symptoms are:

  • The black mold symptoms in toddlers include chest pain, joint pain, muscle pain and abdominal pain and much more
  • Your toddler might feel normal discomfort as well as weakness all the time if he or she comes in contact with the black mold fungus
  • A problem of recurring vomiting and nausea is a common problem
  • Your child might also feel fatigued
  • Recurring fever or cold or even symptoms like flu are common
  • Diarrhea
  • Ear infections or loss of hearing capability is a major symptom

A severe damage to the internal organs can occur if the toddler is exposed to the black mold fungus for a longer period of time. Hence it is very much necessary to remove the traces of this deadly fungus from your home. It can cause heart damage, blood clotting, irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure. Other than this, the black mold symptoms in toddlers can even include haemorrhaging of internal as well as external organs.

You need to find ways to eradicate the black mold from your home and also prevent it from growing all over again. Kitchen, bathroom, laundry room or basements are some of the places prone to the growth of black mold because they remain moist most of the time. You need to ensure proper air flow to these rooms to lower the humidity level of the rooms. It is a tough task to get rid of black molds but you can always hire professional help. This is the best possible way to get rid of black mold symptoms in toddlers.

2 thoughts on “Black Mold Symptoms in Toddlers

  1. Robert Ross says:

    Hey, thank you for sharing this with us. I never thought that mold can be harmful to animals, but it will affect them even more! Many underestimate the danger of mold and live for years in a toxic environment, not even suspecting it, and also not realizing the reasons for their many ailments and poor general health. And the health of your entire family can be at stake!

  2. Celsa Olaughlin says:

    What about the cracking problems and paint chipping with 3s?

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