
Attic Mould: Causes, Effects, and Prevention You Should Know

Attic Mould

Your attic is one of the least visited areas of your home and most likely to be ignored or neglected. That is why it scares many homeowners when they discover that there is already a mould buildup in their attic. This leads to some questions such as: “What causes mould in the attic?“, “How can mould be prevented?”, and “Are there ways to remove the mould in the attic?”

The Culprits of Mould in the Attic

Generally, there are two factors that cause mould in your attic: leaks and moisture.

– Leaks

The attic is the perfect place for mould to thrive since it is dark and damp. Because homeowners rarely visit the attic, they might not notice leaks happening, and this is the very reason mould infestation can take place.

Regularly check your attic and basement for leaks. Pay attention to chimneys, skylights, ceilings, and windows, too, as simple cracks may cause leaks that lead to mould growth.

– Moisture

Trapped moisture can also cause mould growth. This moisture can be due to poor ventilation in the attic. When people inside the house shower or do activities that involve water, moisture accumulates and travels upwards to the attic. When there are no open windows or fans that can provide ventilation, your attic will be at high risk of mould problems. You should also examine your vents to ensure that there is no insulation blockage.

The Effects of Mould on Your Health and Home

You might be wondering if the presence of mould in your attic should be a major concern. The answer is YES, especially if you see either black or white mould in the attic. These two can cause health problems if not removed.

– Black Mould

It is known as “toxic mould,” but not because it can kill you. This type of mould can cause poor indoor air quality and is associated with symptoms similar to allergies. It usually causes nasal congestion, eye irritation, coughing, and wheezing.

– White Mould

White mould is more challenging to spot because of its colour. Some homeowners even mistake it for salt deposits or water seepage buildup. While mould is most often present on drywall or wood. Like black mould, it can cause allergy-like symptoms.

Attic mould can also cause damage to the roof structure and other components connected to it. It may also cause dirt and stain to the attic, thus, lowering the home’s value when you plan to sell it.

Effective Ways to Prevent Attic Mould

It is essential to inspect your attic for mould as soon as possible for any underlying moisture issues. It only takes a day for the moisture to cause mould; therefore, it is vital to check your attic regularly. Here are some effective ways you should do:

  • Find any roof leak that causes the formation of mould in the attic. Make sure to fix any source of leaks to protect your roof and attic. A professional mould removal company in Edmonton has the right tools and equipment to maintain the quality of your roof and attic.
  • Check for raised shingles because they can expose interior structures to rain, wind, and water, inviting mould growth.
  • Search for any gaps that may result in attic leaks. Make sure to fix them to prevent moisture from being trapped in the attic.
  • Have proper ventilation. There should be a channel where air can move through the attic and keep it dry as possible.
  • Use sprays of substances to get rid of mould growth. You can also opt for natural remedies, such as using a mixture of vinegar and water. You can also prepare a mix of tea tree oil and use it as a spray to prevent mould from growing.


Mould can grow in your attic and affect the home’s air quality. If neglected, it can adversely impact your family’s health and the value of your home. Make sure to work with an expert to keep your attic free from any mould growth.

If you’re looking for excellent mould removal in Edmonton, Nationwide Restorations is here to assist. We provide top-quality services when it comes to disaster recovery and restoration. Contact us today to know more about how we can further help you!

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