Mold Damage

Adverse Effects of Living in a House with Mold

Mold is a type of fungus that can enter your house anytime. Living in a house with mold can be very dangerous. Molds can destroy your property along with your health. Mold usually thrives in humid temperature. There are various surfaces in your home where moisture can settle very easily. These are the places where molds grow.

Drywall, shower tiles and floorboards are some of the places which offer perfect breeding ground for the molds. Living in a house with mold is not very easy. Therefore, you need to find the ways to eliminate mold from your property.

But before that, you should learn how and why molds can enter your home. It is also important for you to know about the bad effects of living in a house with mold.

Molds are known to travel through air. The mold releases spores into the air. The mold tends to thrive on places which are porous by nature and absorb moisture. Bathroom, kitchen and basement are some of the places which are humid by nature. Other than this, leaking pipes or damp areas are sufficient for the growth of mold.

Health Problems Caused by Living in a House with Mold

Do you leave wet towels in your bathroom? If yes, then you are easily creating an environment where molds can breed. Once the mold finds the right place to breed, it will start releasing spores. These spores will then travel through air and create health problems like:

  • Rashes, itching and sneezing
  • A sudden difficulty in breathing as well as sleeping
  • Sudden attack of allergies which tend to get worse with each passing day
  • A sudden feeling of lethargy and irritation

There are lots of other dangers of living in a house with mold. Asthma attacks are a common danger in a mold infested house. Swelling of the throat and respiratory tract infections are common health issues caused by molds. Therefore, you need to take serious steps to remove mold from your house.

Living in a house with mold is not easy because molds will destroy your house too. The valuable belongings in your house might just get destroyed within a short time span. If you find stains on your walls or floors or even a musty smell inside the house, you should apply mold removal methods immediately. There are various DIY mold removal methods. But if you find the mold has spread over a large area, then you can ask for professional help.

Tips to Prevent Molds

Here are some tips that can help you get rid of molds:

  • Find out the part of your house which is prone to attract moisture. It is a good idea to destroy the part of the property which has already been affected by mold.
  • Do you have proper ventilation system in your house? Improper ventilation is a major cause of mold growth. Open the doors and windows at regular time interval to allow fresh air flow into your house.
  • You should find out ways to lower the moisture level in your house. Do not leave wet towels or cloths inside the bathroom. Use the exhaust fan in your bathroom to get rid of excessive moisture. Wipe the curtains of the bathroom to remove the water droplets.
  • Keep a close check on the plumbing lines of your house. Water damage is a major cause of mold growth. Hidden roof or pipe leaks can be very dangerous.

After learning about the adverse effects of living in a house with mold, you will surely take proper actions to get rid of the mold problem. Before you hire a professional mold remediation service, do not forget to read the review regarding the company.

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